So Tom lifted himself up and looked around. Tom could see a little spikier of light coming from the cave. So he decided to walk before Sebastian caught up to him. So he kept on walking till he got to something hard in front of him. With one hand Tom put his hand on the wall to see if he could feel something. He did and it was another key. So it twisted it and turned it till there was a loud scritching. Suddenly a voice said I am coming to get you. Tom tried and tried to quickly open to door. |
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Austen's Poem about writing.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Jack C
He was scared that his life was going to be cut short and so when he fell he grabbed the climbing rope for dear life.He screamed at his top of his lungs aaaaaaaaaaaah!
Then someone came up and just got his hair and yanked him over the edge of HMS Fury.
His face slammed on the deck of the ship and his face was pouring with blood.
Jack C
He was scared that his life was going to be cut short and so when he fell he grabbed the climbing rope for dear life.He screamed at his top of his lungs aaaaaaaaaaaah!
Then someone came up and just got his hair and yanked him over the edge of HMS Fury.
His face slammed on the deck of the ship and his face was pouring with blood.
I felt a strong shiver go down my back.
As I started to panic,Footsteps just the sound of footsteps.
I tried not to faint but that was like trying not to eat a cheeseburger.
I heard the sound of a blade,dragging across the cold,dark ground .
I started to panic and started to scream “ Get me out HELP” the only response I got was “good luck boy and I forgot to tell you no one came back because they were killed “I tried to climb up the wall but no luck I knew I was going to die.
Then I saw a girl she had no pew balls and blue hair, barefoot and she was like in a wedding dress I saw her licking the blood off the remaining bone.
I tried not to stare but it was to hard all I could do is hope,hope for life then we made eye contact. I said “ hi” she started to move closer to me as I backed up on a wall.
I was shivering from being scared but also cold.
I really wanted to open my eyes and see what it was but the other part of me didn’t. I decided not to open my eyes though then I went on.
As I walked closer I heard louder breathing.
I just felt like I had to open my eyes so I did, first all I saw was darkness then I put the torch infront of me and I saw something.
Then I quickly shut my eyes, but that thing that I saw didn’t look good for the split second I saw claws and sharp teeth as sharp as a knife. I tried running and running further away from that thing but I still could hear it .
I waited for a moment and tried not to move or breathe and after a few seconds I was sure it left .
I knew that a cold breeze would come.
The breeze will tell us something about what will happen next.
The cave didn’t look so good at the start something was telling me that trouble was near. I heard a big bang
I thought something was going to attack me.
Something felt bad and it is not the good bad it’s probably the dead bad
The room was feeling colder as Nics Hands were slowly freezing, but Nic thought to go and shake it off and run around.
Suddenly, the room was closing and the walls were getting closer and closer and closer. Just when Nic thought he would die the walls stopped.
The room was get darker this time this time nNc thought that the room is going to crush him when he didn’t now this could be bad then he slipped and fell down to this dark room this time it was warmer and it did not look nice and bones were everywhere and blood dripping from the ceiling and then Nic heard a SSSS sound it was sound like a snake.
Jensen's poem advvenc - Invitation to edit
Google Drawings: Create diagrams and charts. | ![]() |
Pativai's Animation Of Rain
Writing Poem
Scrunch Breath Throw By Amelie
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Aliens By Dylan
Monday, 27 June 2016
Cybersmart Blogger Profiles.
Check out our awesome cybersmart profiles and learn lots about our wonderful tamariki.
Click the 4 arrow icon on the bottom to go full screen.
DDP Term 2 week 9 - Invitation to edit
Google Docs: Create and edit documents online. | ![]() |
Izzy's DDP writing
Monkey Boy By Isabella
Friday, 24 June 2016
The Deer Debate!
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Book: Monkey Boy by Donovan Bixley
So we must leave young Jimmy as he is, with his breeches about his ankles in fear for his soul. For I should really start where all good stories start from the beginning when young Jimmy Grimholt first began his life at sea.
Mugdha paragraph
The rocking storm like a hurricane approaching with dark black clouds on top.As Jimmy Grimholt runs to sea this rocking storm this story was talking about a the beginning has just started. The wind rusles through his ears giving him a migrane his tries too reach his crew but the have disapeared into sea. So that night the storm had stoped but still rueslin. There were howls and grumbles coming closer Jimmy woke up and found…
Book: Mark of a thief
A roll of thunder sounded outside as we walked deeper into the tunnel, and I shrugged. It was a sign, reminding me that, like the rest of the world, the gods cared nothing for mining slave. I felt the eyes of the other man as Sal dismissed everyone but Randalf and me from the mines. Thier expressions were sympathetic, even concerned for my plight. But they were more relieved that it was me not any of them walking to his death.
So off me and Sal went to the tunnel. I was afraid because the Tunnel was cursed. And of course Sal was angry with me for making him come to the Tunnels. He forcefully raised his fist and slapped me across the face. “ Ouch what was that for?” “What do you think I’m mad at you for making me come with you and I might die!” Sal said. I said “ You mean we might die. At least I won’t be alone in a cursed tunnel”. I knew that I could just BALE out on Randolph but I knew he would come for me.
Book:Monkey Boy by Donovan Bixley
So we must leave young Jimmy as he is, with his breeches about his ankles in fear for his soul. For I should really start where all good stories start from the beginning when young Jimmy Grimholt first began his life at sea.
Paddy's paragraph
He got stuck on the sea and then he saw some ghosts and he said please help me. The ghost said ok I will try help you but then he thought about a really good idea. He said how about I get a rope and attach it to your back. But Jimmy said what if my back gets hurt and it breaks. The ghost said don't worry about that don’t you want to get back to shore. Ok attach it to my back but don’t blame me if my back gets hurt.
Charlie S
Book:The impossible quest escape from Wolfhaven castle. By Kate Forsyth.
My Paragraph
Quinn felt a sneeze coming up "ahh AHHH CHOOOOOOO" it then made a monster appear But then Mistress pippin heard the sound and she came running trying to look for Quinn but Quinn wasn't anywhere to be seen but from around the corner Mistress pippin saw was…
Quinn but she looked pale and then she said to mistress pippin with an old quiet voice "Run! he's coming!!!"
"Who,Who's coming?" Mrs pippin saidTuesday, 21 June 2016
What Is the different between a Narrative and a Recount by Leila , Isabella , Mugdha , Izzy , Rachel.
WALHT: review the narrative structure
Talk to a learner beside you.
MM: Compare what is the difference between a Narrative and a recount.
BK: BWIK Record here
Read the following posters
Narrative poster and Recount poster
Let's discuss the differences you have seen.
Narrative | Recount | |
Difference 1 | Well defined characters | Includes the people involved |
Difference 2 | Fiction | Non Fiction |
Difference 3 | Written in first person or third person | Writing Past tense |
Difference 4 | No conclusion | Has conclusion |
newspaper (4).pdf
Google Drive: Have all your files within reach from any device. | ![]() |