Lately Mrs Parker's literacy group have been learning about tsunamis. Now we've gathered all the information that we've learnt and we have all made a piece of writing about them. Here's mine and I hope you enjoy it and learn a thing or two about tsunamis.

The cause and impact of tsunamis
There have been many tsunamis and people may wonder what causes them and what are the warning signs , who it effects and which country or city has the most tsunamis also how it happens and how to be prepared.
What Causes Tsunami?
Many thing can cause tsunami but the main ones are underwater volcanic eruptions , underwater earthquake , when tectonic plates move and rub together , a landslide , storm surges , nuclear explosions also a meteorite strike but that doesn't happen often. Some scientist think that some tsunamis have something to do with the ring of fire , the ring of fire is a kind of half circle area where there are a lot of volcanos and also were a lot of earthquakes happen. This is because it follows a line around the pacific ocean where the tectonic plates meet.
What Is A Tsunami?
A tsunami is a colossal wave that is caused by many things it is like a wave of destruction. When it is in deep water its only little but when it is in shallow it can get really really big then when it folds over and hits the ground it destroys and floods the town/city. Also tsunami is a Japanese word meaning harbor wave.

The signs of a tsunami
There are many signs of when a tsunami is coming these are the common signs. One of the signs is ripples in the ocean , also the tide goes back really really far back , the water moves and the waves travel across the ocean. There are also sirens that go off and warning buoys. Warning buoys are things in the water and they detect movement in the water and see if a tsunami is coming and when one is about to come they send a signal to a satellite and then the satellite sends it to a special computer and then the people who have the special computer warn people and tell them to get somewhere high.

What to do when a tsunami coming
One of the first things to do when a tsunami is coming get as far as away from it as possible then get somewhere really high. Also call for help and listen. You can also get prepared before there is a tsunami like don't move where there are active volcanoes that are near the water and there also might be signs that your area/street or other is prone to tsunamis.
How it effects the city's/community
When a tsunami hits it eradicate everything that's in its way and when the tsunamis over it leaves a trail of destroyed buildings. When tsunamis hit it also uses up alot of money to rebuild. Japan tried to build a huge concrete wall to stop tsunamis from coming over and destroying their community because they get alot of tsunamis there and they're sick of rebuilding. But a tsunami was taller than the wall and smashed the wall and destroyed it again.
Tsunamis are really dangerous and cause alot of damage to their communities. There are alot of things that cause tsunamis and their are signs of tsunamis to. If you think you're in a tsunami use my information to help you.
By Georgia Couch
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