People should include insects in their healthy diet.
If you have the choice to eat Insects/bugs would you eat them? Are you one of those people that ignore thinking of eating Insects or just ignore eating them in general if you're given them to eat. Or do you enjoy eating them.
Many people automatically gross out to the thought of eating insects, thinking of the legs, arms and heads plus some other parts of the body makes some people refuse to eat these insects , miniature and crunchy, it actually doesn't matter if you eat them or not. Other people think YUCK, Slimy and crunchy, they are so gross. Many people think 'Gross' but in my POV (Point Of View) Should the whole world be eating insects? Yes I think we could give it a try it can be a new thing that we love or like, so anyway here are my reasons.
You may think you have never had a Insect to eat but you may be thinking wrong.. Around some of the world you may be eating cricket flour.. I know some of you right now might just be saying "EWWWWWWWWWwww that so gross." but just keep reading this I bet you'll find some new information, Also cricket flour is a very high protein recipe and is good if you are in need of some protein (well we all are aren't we), if you compare how edible a cricket is to a chicken and a cow 80% of the cricket is actually edible you may think no but compared to a chicken they are only 50% edible and even further down it comes to cows, sadly for some meat lovers they are only 40% edible... (When you think this you may say but when I buy it I eat all of it from the package,well the people who give you the food actually take out all of the yucky stuff so you don't need to eat it). To make one kg of meat from a cow it takes 22000L of water 'WOW' thats alot of water, but also for pig/pork it takes 3500L then you get down to one kg of chickens and it takes 2300L last of all you may or may not be thinking about crickets... well they only take 1L of water, So by harvesting them you can save a lot of water for people to drink, and so there may be a fair chance you're eating CRICKETS RIGHT NOW!! Yea yea I know I said crickets. But it's not like we have never tasted Insects before, For every 100g of spinach you eat holds at least 50 microscopic Insects!
But it's not so bad eating Insects because Insects are really healthy because they contain a lot of protein, fibre and nutrients like Iron and Zinc!
The reason we reject eating Insects is because of history, even though some like them.. Other people are disgusted here is the story of why people don't like them. Its started in the Fertile Crescent around 10,000 BC it's a place in the middle east mainly where some people's ancestors were living awhile ago they had started to settle there, they had learned to do farming and learned how to domesticate animals over there in the Fertile Crescent. Their attitudes had changed during those years avoiding eating Insects just to live on meat.
Though many people couldn't imagine eating Insects, they contain a lot of protein which is REALLY IMPORTANT because hair and nails are mostly made of protein and protein is important to build bones, muscles, skin and blood. Due to their high protein content there is a market for Insects to be used as an Ingredient within foods, for example protein bars and shakes. Insects are really important because livestock won't be there for us for generations to come.
So who's up for THE CHALLENGE stick that bug in your mouth and save the planet😁!

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