Sunday, 4 December 2016

The Funky Wheels and Heels parade

Funky Wheels and  Heels 💗!!parade!!😜
On tuesday week 8, We had the Funky wheels and heels parade and we had to have shoes that had cool looking Decorations or have a Scooter / bike with the same thing because this was the Funky parade.
First we got to walk out onto the Fields then we saw the Police come in with cars and also dogs that are inside. The first dog came out and The policeman told us all of the things special about the dog and then showed us the dog sniffing for keys and other things and the next dog came out and was trying to bite a decoy that was a man with red sleeves and the dog ran after him and then one big bite to the arm but it did not hurt so then more happened.

Next a helicopter came down from the sky and then they lowered the aircraft and then out came the pilots and they were also wearing Helmets and then we talked all about the helicopter and then they took off into the sky. Then we had the parade and we had to walk on a table for the people that had heels and the people that had scooter and bikes had to wait. I went on the table and I felt really Nervous because my shoes weren't as good as everyone else's but I walked any way then we kept on doing it till the end.
We had a lot of fun during the Parade seeing all of the cool looking Shoes and Wheels and they were really fun looking. We enjoyed it alot and we hope we have something else really fun like this.

😵The End😭

1 comment:

  1. Sorry But I forgot to put my name on to the title so people would know what it was.
