Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Austen's Tsunami information report

What is a Tsunami?
A Tsunami (Su-na-mee) is a Japanese word for Harbour wave. It can cause a lot of damage when it hits the coast. A Tsunami Is very tall and can travel really fast. When a tsunami hits it can cause billions of dollars in damage and can take years to grow the trees and build the the buildings again.
How is a Tsunami caused?
Tsunamis are normally caused by Underwater volcanic eruptions, Landslides and Earthquakes. When an earthquake occurs the tide retreats and the water rushes in creating energy.  Then the energy makes the water rise above the natural sea level. After that gravity pulls it down which makes it ripple outwards. When a Tsunami is formed by a volcanic eruption which Creates energy and The process is repeated. When the water is rippled it travels towards the coast at speeds of 500 Miles per hour or 700 kilometers per hour.
What happens when a tsunami travels?
When a tsunami is far out to sea it is very difficult to recognize since it moves through the depth of the water. When the wave gets closer to shore an event called wave schooling occurs, the wave still has a lot of energy and nowhere to go so it rises. The wave speed slows down while its height rises to as much as  100 feet.
What is the damage it does?
When a tsunami hits everything in its path is is crushed, broken or washed out to sea. It may flood for 300 meters or more, from the beach. The land is covered in rubbish and dead bodies. Food water and housing are destroyed. Tsunamis do not just drown people near the coast, but level buildings and trees for a mile or more, especially in low-line areas. If that is not enough the water then retreats back, taking back the newly created debris and anything or anyone caught in its way.
What happens after it has hit?
After the tsunami the Survivors have the big task of cleaning up the damage. There is often a lot of dead people so the first job they have to do is bury the dead. Next, they have to find clean water supplies. The water they have has been contaminated by the sea water. New wells will have to be dug or A place to store water from other places. Food is needed too, the Vegetable gardens and animals have suffered like the people. They also need to set up their own shelters, the survivors use anything handy to build them. Scraps of building materials or pieces of salvage can be used.
Who deals with their injuries?
One of the first thing people of aid have to do is provide fresh water. Tents are set up for the Sick and injured and the aid people deal; with their wounds. Their wounds could be from Broken bones, Cuts, bruises or sprained Joints. They have big bag of medical supplies.
How can we avoid a Tsunami?
Scientists and Policymakers are focusing in detecting the tsunami. Measuring underwater pressure and seismic activity. Also they are  establishing many global networks worldwide for quickly distributing alarms and warnings. When you hear the tsunami warnings go inland,  high ground or around it. When nature is too powerful to stop the safest course is to get out of its way.
How have people tried to stop it?
Some people have tried to Make the damage smaller or even stop a tsunami by creating Seawalls, flood gates and channels to divert the water. But these strategies are sometimes not effective
Do you know about dangerous tsunamis?
In 2004 there was a tsunami in the Indian ocean, it was one of the most deadliest tsunamis in history. Killing 200,00 throughout south-Asia. It spread across lots of  countries including Thailand, South Africa, Kenya, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Madagascar, Somalia, Bangladesh and Myanmar  In 2011 a tsunami in japan broke the flood-wall protecting its Fukushima power plant. Causing it to erupt in flames, And cut all the power in the city On December 28, 1908, a tsunami Hit the coast of Italy. It hit only a few minutes after shaking. The 12 meter tsunami destroyed near by coastal areas destroying almost all the structures and killing 70,000 People. The tsunami was caused by an undersea landslide. In total 150,000 People lost their lives.


  1. how dangerous is a sunamie

  2. i like your info on tsunamis i never actuality new some of that info Austen
